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Housing applications

We are dealing with a high demand for our services. If you have already submitted a housing application, we are doing our best to get back to you as soon as we are able to. We appreciate your patience during this delay. Get more information.

Affordable homes standards

All new affordable homes must be built to certain standards.

The requirements for all affordable homes in Leicester are as follows:

  • All homes have to be built to the Lifetime Homes standard.
  • All large residential sites will be expected to contribute towards meeting the City’s requirements for wheelchair housing (see affordable homes supplementary planning document).
  • Renewable energy requirements: applies to schemes of ten units or more. Currently 18 per cent, the amount increases annually by one per cent to a maximum of 20 per cent by 1 January 2016. (See energy efficiency SPD)
  • Sustainable urban drainage needs to be taken into account when designing schemes. (See core strategy below).


  • Privately-owned sites with no Leicester City Council grant: Please insert 100 per cent nominations first let and 100 per cent subsequent lets
  • Leicester City Council-owned sites and/or schemes with LCC grant: Please insert 100 per cent nominations first let and 75 per cent subsequent lets