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Overview and scrutiny

The overview and scrutiny function is vital to our work, helping us develop policies, improve our performance and hold the City Mayor and Executive to account for their decisions.

It can also help scrutinise work carried out by other organisations, such as the NHS.

The scrutiny commissions are made up of councillors who are not members of our main decision-making executive. They can also include people from outside bodies, such as community leaders, teachers and members of our Young People's Council.

They meet to gather evidence from officers, councillors, service users and experts before making recommendations to the City Mayor and executive.

What areas do we scrutinise?

Our scrutiny system consists of the Overview Select Committee and seven scrutiny commissions:

  • Overview Select Committee has a general remit to perform the scrutiny role and functions as set out in Article 8 of our constitution, and specifically scrutinises the work of the city mayor, deputy city mayors and areas of our work overseen by them as well as cross cutting issues such as equalities and our finances.
  • Adult social care focuses on matters relating to our delivery of statutory adult social care functions, such as care services to allow independence in own homes, care services for those that need care away from home and policies for health needs such as dementia. 
  • Children, young people and schools looks at children's social care, education and attainment and support provision for children and young people and families. 
  • Economic development, transport and tourism considers matters which include regeneration, public transport and cycle and car provision, adult learning and job provision and tourism.
  • Health and wellbeing has a unique democratic mandate to act in the interests of all Leicester residents, in relation to the health services they receive.
  • Heritage, culture, leisure and sport looks at areas including parks and play areas; museums and heritage interpretation, sports services and cultural provision such as burial space.
  • Housing considers matters relating to housing and the homeless.
  • Neighbourhood services looks at the provision of community services, libraries, environmental and enforcement services and welfare reform.

Contact us

Write to us: Scrutiny Support, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Send us an email: