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Children and young people's JSNA

The Children and young people’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the health picture for children in the city.

Life expectancy in Leicester is below the England average, with significant differences in how long people live according to where they live: many of the patterns for this are laid down in childhood. Children’s health and well-being is therefore not only important as a goal in itself but is a key priority to improving the overall health of the entire city.

What approach has this JSNA taken?

The JSNA follows a life course approach which maps out how children’s health needs change as they grow and develop at different stage of their lives and includes the following chapters:

  1. Setting The Context
  2. Pre-birth to antenatal
  3. Early years (0-4 years)
  4. School years (5-19 years)
  5. Young Adulthood (20-24 years)
  6. Mental Health of Children and Young People
  7. Looked After Children
  8. Youth Offenders
  9. Vulnerable groups

The full JSNA and a summary infographic document can be downloaded below.

Onward journeys