Protecting trees
Protected trees are subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO); most trees in conservation areas are protected. We aim to protect trees during development.
Quick links
There are more than 450 TPOs in Leicester. We are responsible for reviewing these and for making new orders; for protecting trees subject to TPOs and considering applications for works to other trees in conservation areas. You can download FAQs on tree protection at the bottom of the page, and a copy of our formal guidance on TPOs.
Applying to carry out works to protected trees
Consent is normally needed to carry out works to trees protected by a TPO, and most trees in conservation areas. A formal application needs to be made to us, using a standard national planning application form.
Unauthorised works to protected trees
We will try to investigate reports of unauthorised works to protected trees within one working day. You can report unauthorised works using the online breach form linked above.
Pine Tree Avenue - Tree Preservation Strategy
We have a strategy to help ensure preservation of the historic avenue of protected Wellingtonia (Giant Redwood trees) at Pine Tree Avenue in Leicester which can be viewed on the following link:
Tree surgeons
If you are involved in a large project, litigation or a planning matter involving trees, you may require the services of a recognised 'tree surgeon' or arboricultural consultant. We can advise you on this.
The Arboricultural Association has approved a list of contractors and consultants located and working in Leicestershire and surrounding counties. The list is provided for your information and is not a list of contractors we recommend.