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Admissions policy and arrangements

Details of admissions policy and arrangements to decide the admissions process.

Determined admission arrangements - how is the policy decided?

We are obliged, by law, to consult on our admission arrangements when we propose a change to the existing ones or every seven years, when there hasn’t been a change. All admission authorities must determine admission arrangements by 28 February every year, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required.

Leicester City Council determined its admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools on 13 February 2020.

For voluntary aided schools, academies and free schools, the governing body or Academy Trust are responsible for determining their arrangements.

Admission arrangements for 2021-22

Admission arrangements for 2020-21

Admissions policy for community and voluntary controlled schools

Admissions policy for voluntary aided schools, academies and free schools

If you are applying for a voluntary aided school, academy or a free school, you must complete the schools' own supplementary information form as well as applying to Leicester City Council.


You must return the supplementary form directly to the school by the closing date of 15 January 2020. The admissions arrangements and supplementary forms can also be found on the required schools website.

Admission arrangements Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
Abbey Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Belgrave St Peter's Church of England Primary School SIF - please contact school
Braunstone Community Primary School Not required
Christ the King Catholic Primary School SIF
Falcons Primary School SIF - please contact school
Forest Lodge Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Heatherbrook Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School SIF
Hope Hamilton Church of England Primary School SIF
Humberstone Infant Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Humberstone Junior Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Kestrel Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Knighton Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Krishna Avanti Primary School SIF
Merrydale Junior Academy Not required
Mowmacre Hill Primary School Not required
North Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Overdale Infant School (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Overdale Junior School (follows LA admission arrangements) Not required
Queensmead Primary Academy Not required
Rowlatts Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy SIF
St John the Baptist Church of England Primary School SIF - please contact school
St Joseph's Catholic Voluntary Academy SIF
St Patrick's Catholic Voluntary Academy SIF
St Thomas More Catholic Voluntary Academy SIF
Thurnby Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Tudor Grange Samworth Academy Not required
Uplands Infant Academy (follows LA admission arrangements) Not required
Uplands Junior LEAD Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Willowbrook Mead Primary Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Woodstock Primary School (LA admission arrangements) Not required


The admissions arrangements and supplementary forms can also be found on the required schools website.

Admission arrangements Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
Avanti Fields School SIF
Babington Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Castle Mead Academy Not required
English Martyrs' Catholic School SIF
Judgemeadow Community College (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Madani Boys School SIF
Madani Girls School SIF
Orchard Mead Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Rushey Mead Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Sir Jonathan North College (LA admission arrangements) Not required
St Paul's Catholic School SIF
The Lancaster Academy (LA admission arrangements) Not required
Tudor Grange Samworth Academy Not required