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Appeal against a school place decision

You can appeal for a place at any community school where you have applied and have been refused a place.

How do I appeal?

If you want to appeal against a decision to refuse a school place, you need to complete the 'notice of appeal' form at the top of this page. You can also download guidance to help you with your appeal, and details of the appeals timetable.

If you have been refused a place at any of the voluntary aided schools, academies or free schools in Leicester you must contact the school directly. For contact details please visit the schools directory

If you have been refused a place at a Leicestershire school which is outside the Leicester city boundary, you should contact Leicestershire County Council's school admissions service on 0116 305 2070.

Your decision letter will also include details on how to appeal.

Appeal process

An appeal is heard by an independent panel, who will consider evidence from you and us about how they have applied the admissions policy in your case. The panel make its decision after hearing both sides, and the decision they make is legally binding.

Contact legal services for any queries regarding appeals

You can call us on 0116 454 1410 or send us an email: