In-year admissions
If you have moved address, recently arrived in Leicester or looking to change your child's school, you can apply for a place in one of our schools for the academic year 2020-2021.
Application process
If possible, your child should continue to attend their present school until they are admitted to another school.
If you are looking for a school place outside of Leicester, please apply directly to the local authority responsible for that school.
If we have been unable to offer your child a place at one or more of the schools you requested, we will usually add your child’s name to the waiting list(s). More details will be provided in your application outcome letter.
Admissions guides
The booklets below are for guidance to help you and your child choose a school place for in-year admissions. Please ignore the dates and deadlines in the booklets as they are provided for children starting at a new school at the usual entry points.