Affordable homes standards
All new affordable homes must be built to certain standards.
The requirements for all affordable homes in Leicester are as follows:
- All homes have to be built to the Lifetime Homes standard.
- All large residential sites will be expected to contribute towards meeting the City’s requirements for wheelchair housing (see affordable homes supplementary planning document).
- Renewable energy requirements: applies to schemes of ten units or more. Currently 18 per cent, the amount increases annually by one per cent to a maximum of 20 per cent by 1 January 2016. (See energy efficiency SPD)
- Sustainable urban drainage needs to be taken into account when designing schemes. (See core strategy below).
- Privately-owned sites with no Leicester City Council grant: Please insert 100 per cent nominations first let and 100 per cent subsequent lets
- Leicester City Council-owned sites and/or schemes with LCC grant: Please insert 100 per cent nominations first let and 75 per cent subsequent lets