Tree strategy

In November 2018 – during National Tree Week – I launched Leicester’s first Tree strategy with Cllr Adam Clarke, Deputy City Mayor for the environment.
This five-year strategy will guide us in sustaining and increasing our tree stock as well as helping us to improve the quality of the city’s trees. It will also help promote the important role trees can play in maintaining a high-quality city environment, reducing air pollution and contributing to flood risk management.
The strategy outlines how we will manage the city’s trees to ensure that we sustain and enhance Leicester’s urban forest for future generations.
Key points:
- There are 150,000 trees in the council’s ownership (57,000 planted since the 1980s)
- Around 16 percent of the city is covered in tree canopy
- The council manages 107 hectares of woodland
- There are over 500 Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in place in the city
- The council spends around £2million each year on planting, protecting and managing our trees
- More than one replacement tree will be planted for any tree that is felled
- The council’s trees and woodlands team is nationally recognised.