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Adopted planning policy

The development plan is formed by national and local documents which set out policies for planning applications to be assessed against.

National planning policy

The government have produced the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) setting out their planning policies for England and how these are to be applied. The NPPG is an online, living document ensuring up-to-date information in a quick and easily navigable format.

Local planning policy

We have a number of documents which form the current development plan and are outlined below. Additional guidance is contained in the form of supplementary planning documents (SPDs). To view these documents, see the supplementary planning documents webpage.

For details of new policy which has yet to be adopted, see the emerging planning policy webpage.

Core strategy

The Core strategy was adopted in July 2014 and sets out the spatial planning strategy for the city and objectives and policies for new development.

Leicester and Leicestershire waste policy

The city’s policy for waste related development is contained in a core strategy and development control policies document, produced jointly with Leicestershire County Council and adopted by both authorities in October 2009.

Local plan saved policies

A number of ‘saved’ policies from the city of Leicester Local Plan 1996-2016, currently still form part of the development plan while the new policy documents are being prepared. Any elements of the plan which are no longer relevant have been struck-through on the following document.

Statement of community involvement

We have produced a statement of community involvement (SCI), as required under government legislation. This SCI sets out how we will involve the public, developers, businesses and other agencies in the preparation of its planning policy documents and in the determination of planning applications.

Local development scheme (LDS)

We also produced a local development scheme which provides up to date information on what planning documents will be produced within the next three years. The latest LDS was published on the 7 October 2020 and covers the period from 2020 to 2023.

Authority monitoring report (AMR)

We have produced an AMR to review the implementation the planning policies in the Local Plan and the Core Strategy and to review the progress of the Local Development Scheme. Our most recent AMR covers the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2019.

Further information

See the planning policy evidence base pages to view documents associated with the preparation and adoption of the above plans. 

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