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Health and Wellbeing Board

Leicester's Health and Wellbeing Board works in partnership with local communities and healthcare providers to develop and deliver health and wellbeing strategies.

You can view the Overview of Leicester JSNA Programme on the following link:

What is the Health and Wellbeing Board?

Health and wellbeing boards have been introduced across all local authorities by the government. Leicester’s Health and Wellbeing Board has been set up to develop and deliver joint health and wellbeing strategies through partnership working. It replaces the shadow health and wellbeing board that had been in existence since 2011. You can download a copy of the terms of reference at the bottom of the page.

What will the Health and Wellbeing Board do?

The board will help us to work in partnership with the Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group and the NHS Commissioning Board, together with a representative of the new Healthwatch and the police, to develop joint health and wellbeing strategies.

These will set the local framework for commissioning health care, social care and public health, which will help us work more closely and understand our local community’s needs and agree priorities.

What will the board have a duty to do?

As a formal committee of the council, the board will have the following minimum statutory functions:

  • To prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS), which is a duty of local authorities and the new Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  • A duty to encourage integrated working between health and social care commissioners
  • A power to encourage close working between commissioners of health related services and the board itself
  • The power to encourage close working between commissioners of health related services and commissioners of health and social care services

Health and Wellbeing Board minutes and agendas

To contact the Health and Wellbeing board, please email us.