Before you apply
Before submitting your application, it is important to find out as much information you can about the junior schools in your area as well as any junior schools you are thinking of applying for, to ensure you make the right choice for your child.
Quick links
Priority with your linked junior school
Children who are attending or have been offered a place at an infant school, will have priority for places at the linked junior school as shown below.
- Catherine Infant School – linked with – Catherine Junior School
- Green Lane Infant School – linked with – Bridge Junior School
- Humberstone Infant School – linked with – Humberstone Junior School
- Imperial Avenue Infant School – linked with – Folville Junior School
- Inglehurst Infant School – linked with – Inglehurst Junior School
- King Richard III Infant School - linked with - Shaftesbury Junior School
- Merrydale Infant School – linked with – Merrydale Junior School
- Overdale Infant School – linked with – Overdale Junior School
- Uplands Infant School – linked with – Uplands Junior School
If you are not applying for your feeder junior school, it is important that you include your feeder junior school as one of your preferences on your application. If we cannot allocated your preferred school(s), we will offer you a place at the nearest school to your home address that still has places available. This may be a much further away school if you have not listed your feeder junior school as all the available places here may have been filled with those applicants who stated it as a preference.
Research information on junior schools before you apply
View our schools' directory for details of each secondary school including school type, Ofsted and performance reports.
Please read the admissions criteria for each school to see the priority that applies to your child. This will give you an idea of how likely it is you will gain a place at a preferred school. Priority is usually given to those children that have one or more siblings at the preferred school or those that live in the catchment area for a school.
Consider how your child will travel to and from school.
Here’s how places were allocated last year, and the lowest admission criterion met.
Understanding the different types of schools
In the schools' directory you will find information on each school including the type of school, these include:
- Community schools
- Trust schools
- Voluntary-aided schools
- Academies
- Free schools
Further information can viewed here, understanding the different types of school.
Applying for schools outside of Leicester City
You can apply for any mainstream school including schools outside your local area (schools in Leicestershire for example) as we will co-ordinate with the council responsible for that school when processing your application.
If you are planning to apply for school in Leicestershire we would recommend you use all four preferences and include your Leicester City catchment school as one of your four preferences. This is due to some Leicestershire schools being very oversubscribed.
Special educational needs (SEN)
All schools make provision to support children who have special educational needs. Some children have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and these children may attend either a mainstream school or a special school.
If your child has an EHCP, the SEN Co-ordinator at your child’s current school will start the process of their annual review in autumn 2020 to establish which school they will be attending in autumn 2021. If your child is undergoing a statutory assessment please contact your Education, Health and Care Inclusion Officer (EHCIO) for further advice, as this may affect the school that your child goes to.
If your child has special educational needs but does not currently have an EHCP you should apply in the normal way.
Next section: How we process your application