Participation youth groups
We run a number of youth groups to support young people to meet with decision makers of the local authority. These groups are important to help adults and decision makers understand the experiences of children and young people the local authority work with them and how to make the services better.
Young People's Council
Elected members of the Young People's Council (YPC) represent your views on issues that affect you. After they are elected, you can meet your local YPC representatives and put forward your needs and issues. It is then their job to make sure your views are heard. It is then your rep’s job to make sure your views are heard.
Its members are invited to work alongside members of Leicester City Council on all major issues concerning young people’s services. YPC reps sit on the children’s scrutiny committee with council members. Here, they look at council decisions and hold councillors to account on matters that affect young people. They have seats on the police community gold stakeholder group, which discusses issues related to crime prevention, anti-social behaviour and policing. They are members of the Diwali planning Group, planning the festival and lights switch on for the city.
Children in Care Generation Select Committee
Generation select are a group of young people aged 11 – 16 years who are looked after by the local authority, the group run select committee inquiries into provision of services for children and young people who are looked after. They work with decision makers to improve services and make sure that the voices of children and young people. Their latest inquiry is ‘What makes a good Corporate Parent’, this report will be available soon.
Care Experienced Consultants
Our Care Experienced Consultants group is for young people aged 16 – 25 years who are looked after by the local authority, or who are care leavers. They work with council decision makers to improve services. The group represent young people by attending the Corporate Parent Forum, help recruit staff by sitting on interview panels and they also support with delivering youth work sessions for young people in care.
Big Mouth Forum
The Big Mouth Forum is a group created and run by children and young people aged 11 – 25, who have an additional need and/or disability. The group was formed to give them the opportunity to speak out making sure their voices are heard, they want to ensure children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities living in Leicester have a voice and are involved in the decisions of services that affect them. They want to ensure everyone’s rights are respected and they have the support they need to achieve their aspirations.
Contact us
To find out more about the groups above, please contact:
Bez Martin - Rights & Participation Service Manager
- Write to us: Town Hall, Room 2.15, Leicester, LE1 9BG
- Ring: 07710 148 497
- Send an email: