Outdoor gyms

Outdoor gyms can be used following strict guidance. You will need to familiarise yourself with this guidance before using the equipment.
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Staying safe whilst using outdoor gyms
Follow the below guidance when using outdoor gyms.
- Wipe down equipment before and after use
- Ensure you remain 2 metres apart from others using the outdoor gym at all times
- Only one user at any time per item of gym equipment, and remember to maintain social distancing and give others space
- Do not touch your face whilst using the outdoor gyms
- Think of others, limit your time on individual equipment if others are waiting
- Do not eat whilst using the outdoor gyms, and avoid unwashed hands coming into contact with where you drink from on your water bottle
- Do not share water bottles
- Wash your hands after your session for 20 seconds with warm water and soap or use hand sanitiser, and clean anything such as water bottles or mobile phones that you handled during your workout
- Please dispose of any rubbish properly in a bin.
Benefits of outdoor gyms
There are over 30 outdoor gyms across Leicester that are free to use, no matter your experience or ability. The equipment is suitable for anyone over 140cm in height.
Outdoor gyms help you to live an active and healthy lifestyle by making activity easy to access and free to use. They provide you with the chance to be active with your community, bringing people together to be active and have fun. Just adding an extra 10 minutes of moderate activity to your day can help you feel happier and healthier! (If you are breathing faster and feeling warmer but can still chat to a friend you are doing moderate activity).
- They are free to use
- They are right on your door step and easy to access
- You can be outdoors and enjoy the green surrounding
- Being active outside will boost your mood and make you feel good
- You can exercise with your friends and family, there is something for everyone when visiting and playing in your park.
Share your workouts
Remember to tag us in your workout session pictures, use #GetYourselfMoving #OutdoorGyms #ActiveLeicester #LeicesterCityCouncil.
Where are they located?
Outdoor gym exercise plans

If you have problems accessing or viewing any documents please send us an email active@leicester.gov.uk.