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Get advice on what Brexit means for Leicester. To reduce any impact on our services, we are working closely with partners and the government to understand the various risks and to identify opportunities that will help boost the city's outlook.

What's happening at the moment?

The UK has now left the EU. There is now a transition period until the end of 2020 while the UK and EU negotiate additional arrangements. The current rules on trade, travel, and business for the UK and EU will continue to apply during the transition period.

New rules will take effect on 1 January 2021. 

Check how to get ready for new rules in 2021 at GOV.UK

Answer a few questions and find out how you could prepare for the new rules if you are living, travelling and doing business in the UK and EU from 1 January 2021.

Preparing for Brexit if you live in the UK

Get information if you are visiting, buying, studying in the EU or are dealing with family law disputes in the EU.


Advice for a UK national living in the EU

Advice for an EU national and you want to continue living in the UK

EU Settlement Scheme