Apply for planning permission
To make a planning application, you need to submit the correct plans, information and documentation before it can be processed. The easiest way to apply is online via the government's Planning Portal.
Quick links
Apply online via the Planning Portal
What you need to submit - read the mandatory document requirements on the Planning Portal
Local validation list
View map of local planning constraints (conservation areas, listed buildings)
A guide to fees for planning applications
Government guidance on information requirements and validation
Online fee calculator
Planning application requirements
The government has introduced a national list of Planning Application Requirements (PARs) which is a legal requirement for all planning applications.
To go with this, all local authorities formally adopt a local list of planning application requirements, which will be required for any application in addition to the national list. When a submitted application does not meet the requirements set out in both lists it may be considered to be invalid. You can download the local and national list using the quick links above.
The site notice for proposed demolitions as required by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Schedule 2 Part 11, can be found at the bottom of this page.
A template for the floor space schedule (requirement for any new residential units) is available to download at the bottom of this page.
Is there a cost?
Planning applications must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and will not be proceeded until this has been received.
Developer contributions
Developer contributions are often referred to as Section 106 planning obligations, which are a way of making sure developers contribute towards the infrastructure and services needed to make proposed development acceptable. Contributions may be financial payments or in direct works.
Where an applicant claims a scheme cannot support the required works and/or other contributions, developers are required to submit a development appraisal. This enables us to assess and comment on the viability of the proposal.
Where a proposed development scheme is likely to involve developer contributions, developers are strongly recommended to contact us for a pre-application discussion.
Developers should submit all necessary documents to help us to deal with the application. Guidance is available on the local validation list (linked above) and model section 106 agreement and unilateral undertaking documents, which can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.